The Linc-con 2022

Greetings, fellow con-goers and cosplayers! It’s your friendly neighborhood Doctor Bell here, fresh from the geeky grandeur of The Linc-Con at the Engine Shed in Lincoln. Oh, what a spectacle it was! My booth buzzed with the energy of the cosplayers, each eager to step in front of my lens and be whisked away to wondrous new worlds.

With a sprinkle of pixie dust and the steadfast churning of hamster wheels, we embarked on photographic quests to capture your epic cosplays. Whether you were a gallant knight, a cunning sorcerer, or a creature from realms beyond, my magical mirrorless technology ensured that your image was not just taken, but truly transported.

Each click of my shutter was a spell cast, each flash a portal opened, and together, we created more than just photos—we crafted portals to new dimensions where your cosplay could live eternally. The pixies worked their magic, the hamsters ran their races, and the results? Simply spellbinding!

Now, as I give my tiny friends a well-deserved rest, I extend an electrifying invitation to all you marvelous cosplayers out there. Seek out Doctor Bell’s Magical Mirrorless Picture Box at your next comic con adventure. Step into my booth, strike a pose, and let’s make some photographic magic together!


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